Concept Of Management

Management aims at balancing the external and internal factor to achieve the desired objective. The factors affecting business may be classified as internal factors  and external factors

Internal Factor: The factor which are within the control of management are called internal factor. They includes human resources, machine, finance, raw material etc..
principle of managemwnt

External Factor: The factor which are beyond the control of management are called external factor they includes social, economic, political factor

The management is considered to be a mixture of science and arts. It is a science because similar to science,the management is developed systematically and is based on principle,theories and laws.

It is an art because,similar to an art management is applied by practise and is applied after making necessary changes in the theories according to the real life situation.

Level Of Management

Generally,there are three levels of management
i.Top Level Management
ii.Middle Level Management
iii.Lower Level Management

Top Level Management
It is also called administrative management
it includes boards of director, ceo, managing ddirecto,general manager etc.
the role of top level management is an organisation are follows:
i.They allocate the available resources for the work to be done.
ii. They prepare long term plans for the organisation which is generally made for five to 20 years
iii.they determine the objectives and policies of an organisation.
iv. The work of top level management mostly contains thinking, planning and deciding.
v.The top level management has maximum authority and responsibility.

Middle Level Management

》 It is also known as executive management
》It includes,Head of department(HOD), Branch Manager etc.
》The important roles of middle level management are as follows:
i. It coordinates between the departments to maximize the use of resources.
ii. It is also responsible for short term planning which are generally made for 1 to 5 years.
iii. They are also responsible for execution of the policies and plans made by the top level management.
iv.It also rrecomends and gives advises to the top managements.
v. They have lesser authority and responsibility as compared to the top level management.
vi. They expend more time in communicating and co-ordinating.

Lower Lavel Management

》It is also known as  operative management.
》They are the first line of management and include mainly supervisor,foreman and junior executive.
》The important role of lower level management are as follows.
i. They spend more time in directing and controlling.
ii. They inform the workers about the decision taken by
the management ,
iii.They also inform the management about the problems of worker.
iv.They work as a link between the worker and the middle management.
v. They Make daily, weekly, and monthly plan.

Scientific Management by F.W.Taylor

》 The principle of  scientific management was given F.w taylor"Scientific management is concerned with knowing exactly what you want men to do and them see in that they do it in the best and cheapest way"

Elements and tools of scientific management

1.Separstion of planning and operation:
Taylor separated the planning aspects from operation so that each work can be done efficiently.

2.Functional Foremanship:
The fforema should be appointed on the basis of specialisation for expert supervision.

3.Job Analysis:
Job analysis is done to find the best possible way of doing a work. A way of doing work is considered to be best when movement is least, time consumed is minimum and the cost is lowest.

As far as possible standardisation should be done in respect of instruments,tools,period of work etc to improve productivity.

5.Scientific Selection And Training Of Worker :
Taylor suggested that worker should be selected and trained on the basis of their education, experience, mental ability, physical ability etc.

6.Financial Incentive:
Financial incentive motive the worker to give their best effort to achieve the target.

The scientific and technical part of scientific management should be in accordance with the economic condition of the organisation.

8.Mental Revolution:
The employee should be motivated in such a way that there personal objective doesn't effect the objective of the organisation in a wrong way.

Principle Of Management By Henry Fayol

Fayol divided  the organisation into 6 groups techanical, commercial, financial, security, accounting and managerial.

14 Point Principle of Fayol

i. Division of labour: The men power should be divided on the basis of specialisation

ii.Authority: The manager must give orders to get the work done. Therefore they should have the authority to command and direct the workers.

iii.Discipline: The members in a organization should respect and follows the rules and regulation of the organization.

iv.Unity Of Command: The members of an organization must recive instruction only from one person.

v. Unity Of Direction: Those operation within the organization that have the same objective should be directed by a single manager.

vi.Subordinating Of Individual Intrest To Organisational intrest: The employee should be motivated in such a way that there personal objectives does not effect the objective of organisation in wrong way.

vii.Renumeration: Compensation for the work done should be fair for both employer's and employees.

viii.Centralization: The role of subordinates should be decreased in decission making.

ix.Hierarchy: The line of authority and responsibility should be well define in the organisation.

x.Order: Material and people should be in the right place at right time.

xi. Equality: Manager should be both friendly and fair to their subordinates.

xii.Stability Of Staff: A high employee turn over reduces the efficienct of organization.

xiii.Initiative: The employee should be motivated to come up with new ideas.

xiv. Team Spirit De Corps: There should be team spirit along the employees in the organisation

Function Of Managements

The function of management involves
i) Planning
ii) Organising
iii) Staffing
iv) Directing

Planning: It is deciding in advance what to do when to do,how to do and who will do it in order to achieve the objectives
The plan can be of two types
a).short term planning  b.) long term planning

A plan period of more than 5 years is generally considerd as long term plan whereas  a plan period of less than 5 years is considered to be short term plan.

Organising: Organising Involves and the grouping of jobs or activities into a framework for coordination and direction.
The most common way of organising us by using organisation chart.

Staffing: Staffing deals with selection of human resource their training and their approval an efficient staffing system provide efficient man(work) power.

Directing: It is the most important function of management which deals with motivating leading and commanding the man power utilising the maximum ability of employees is possible by developing a good directing system.

Controlling: The performance of varioud function of the management must be checked or varified to know whether they are according to the objectives of the organisation or not. If any deviation is found it may be corrected.