Management Process

What is Management?


Various definitions

Concept of management

Levels of management

Administration & management

Scientific management by F.W.Taylor

Principles of Management (14 principles of Henry Fayol)

Functions of Management





What is management?

Management is considered as a process which includes all the activities starting from setting up of objective and talking all the necessary steps to finally achieve those objectives.

Technically,the management process comprises all the functions which uses man,material,money and machine efficency to convert raw material into product or services to satisfied the customers need.

Evolution of management:

the various phases in the development of management theory can be stated as
a. Pre-scientific  Theory
b. Classical Theory
c.Behavioural Theory
d. Modern Management Theory

1.Pre-scscienfic Theory

》These theory solved the problem of a particular organization

》The pre-scientific theory where not accepted globaly

》Important contributors in case of scientific theory are Charles babage,James Montgomery, Robert Owen, James Watt, Charles Dupin etc...

2.Classical Theory:

These theory focus on increases the industrial output by using the resources in best possible way by providing financial ininceive
》 The classical theory developed in three mean
i. Scientific Management
ii. Administrative Theory

Scientific Management

》The most important theory for scientific managanagement given by F.W Taylor and is called  Taylor's scientific management theory.
》 He focused on finding the best way to do the job by reducing the wastage of resources.
》He developed time and motion study to find best time and best operation sequence for producing a product.
》He also introduce differential wage system to pay more to productive worker

Administrative Theory

》Henry fayol focussed  on managing the organization as a whole rather than certain part of it.
》 Fayol classified  the activity of a business as technical,financial, security, accounting,marketing,human resources etc.
》 He classified the function of a manager as planning, aranising, co-ordinating, controlling, motivating etc.
》 He started examining the ability of manager on the basic of physical ability, mental ability, moral strength, general knowldge, special knowledge and experience.

Bureaucracy Theory( Given by weber's)

》Weber introduce a legal system to manage the business organisation
》Weber bureaucracy theory has the following features:
a. Divison of work
b.Rules and regulation
c.Hierarchy of authority
d.Record keeping
e. Inter ppersona relation

3. Behavioural Theory

These theories focused on organisational objectives along with satisfaction and human need.
》 Here the focuse shifted from process improvement to human satisfaction.
》The two important behavioural theory are
A. Human relation theory
it wa proposed by ELTON MAYO
it focuses on increasing the productivity by increasing the morale of the workers
B. Behavioural science theory(BST)
it applies science vision to human relation system theory.
it explained the concept of psychology,sociology and anthropology.

Psychology:- It is the study of individual human behaviour .

Sociology:-It is the study of human behaviour in group

Anthropology:- It is the study of human behaviour of individuals and members group.

4.Modern Management Theory