• Part #02

In previous blog i covered Business or overview of business and types of business , So in this blog i will discuss about Industrial sector.


Industry can be defined as a group of business activities performed together to provide a product or service to the customer.
●Different industries can be classified into groups on the basis of similarity in activity. These groups or classes of industries together from an industrial sector.
● The most common type of industrial sector are as follows:-
a. Engineering industry(primary sector)
b. Process industry
c. Textile industry
d. chemical industry
e. agro industry

Engineering industry

 An engineering industry focuses on the production of machines and goods for other industrial sectors.
》Engineering industries are generally large scale or medium scale industries, so govt support is required for there development
》 Developement of "special economic zone"(SEZ) will help in promoting engineering industry
》 Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) also help in developement of engineering

Process Industry:

An industry where the process followed for the conversion of raw materials into products is similar than such industries are called process industry
》 The output of process industries cannot be  quantified . They are generally expressed in term of volume or weight.
》 Polymer industries , paper industries, sugar mills, petroleum refineries etc.. are example of process industry.

Textile Industry:

The industries which process fibers into yarms, yarms into fabric, fabric into finished fabric and finished fabric into garments are collectively called textile industry
》 The industries in textile sector are closely knit.
》They are major contributors of pollutions due to use of chemical and dyes.

Chemical Industry:

Chemical industries are involve in manufacturing of different chemicals and their derivatives.
》The main raw material of chemical industries are fossil fules(Coal,petroleum), air,water and some minerals like limestone etc..

Agro Industry:

Agro Industries are those unit which add value to agricultural product and residue.
》 The value addition may be in terms of processing and products and providing link between farm and market.
》Agro industry plays role in rural industrialisation
》 It provides employment in rural sector.

Intelectual Property Rights(IPR)