Difference between induction motor and synchronous motor
Difference between induction motor and synchronous motor

Induction Motor

These motor have wound rotor with slip rings or squirrel cage rotor.

Rotor Current is ac and is induced by magnetic induction

These motors run at less than synchronous speed. Full load slip is about 4%.

These motors take lagging power factor current.

These motors have inherent starting torque.

These motors start unaided.

These motors are used for variable speed and variable load drives.

For the same size,these motors are cheaper.

Synchronous Motor

These motors have dc poles on rotor energised by exciation system.

The field current(exciation current) can be changed to vary the power factors.

These motor always run at synchronous speed with slip.

These motors take different power factor currents depending upon the exciation level.

These motors do not have any inherent starting torque.

These motor have to be started by suitable means and brought to synchronous speed and then synchronised

These motors are used for constant speed and constant load drives.

These motors are costly due to additional cost of exciation system.