Damper is used in transmission line to avoid vibration which is ouccur due to wind pressure.

What is damper? why damper use in transmission line

What is damper? why damper use in transmission line

The damper is used in transmission line to reduce the vibration

Damper is used in transmission line for vibration reducing purpose

Damper is used in transmission wire of the transmission tower.

Benefit To Use Damper In Transmission Line

If we don't use damper in transmission line then transmission wire will vibrate contneously vibrating, Due to this vibration transmission wire can break or damage,
Which is very dangerous, So Damper is used in transmission line to minimise the accident.

Types Of Damper

i) Stock Bridge Damper
ii) Spiral Damper
iii) Spacer Damper

Stock Bridge Damper:

What is damper? why damper use in transmission line
Stock Bridge Damper

It is the most usable type of damper in transmission system this type of damper is use to reduce the vibration in long transmission line

This damper is made of small steel rod this damper is connected in th transmission line with the help of clamp

Wind present both end of wire  so here to much chances to occur vibration so to reduce vibration here stock damper is used.

Its shape like a dumbbelke

Spiral Damper: 

What is damper? why damper use in transmission line
Spiral Damper

Spiral means a spring so same as this type of damper is look like a spring to use this type of damper . We wrap spiral damper on transmission wire.

Spiral Damper is used in low voltage transmission line.

Spacer Damper: 

What is damper? why damper use in transmission line
Spacer Damper
This damper is to provide space(gap) between wire. this damper is used where space between two transmission wire is less. this damper is used to reduce vibration as well as it gives space between transmission wire.